
The fast lane for
creative approval

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Keep your projects moving with a structured approval process that brings clarity to creative collaboration.

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every review need

From quick checks to complex approvals, handle any review process.

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Agency Teams

Get client approval on campaign materials across multiple brands and projects. Perfect for managing diverse client portfolios.

Marketing Teams

Coordinate approvals between creative, brand, and legal teams. Keep campaigns moving with clear stakeholder sign-offs.

Global Brands

Manage approvals across markets and regions. Ensure local teams get timely feedback on their adaptations.

Creative Directors

Review and approve designs across multiple projects. Keep quality high while meeting deadlines.

Creative approval
without the chaos

From quick reviews to complex sign-offs, handle approvals directly where your designs live.
No more endless email chains or lost feedback.

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Approval that fits your workflow

Simple reviews, faster delivery

Choose which projects need approval, share designs with instant review capabilities, and track everything from one view. Perfect for teams who need flexible approval workflows without the usual back-and-forth headaches.
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Flexible Control

Enable approvals only on projects that need them

Status At A Glance

Track every design's approval stage in one view

Share & Approve

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Role Control

Set reviewer permissions at the project level

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Automate image, video, PDF, HTML5, GIF creation in your services using our powerful Abyssale API.
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Abyssale AI

Enhance creative assets with AI-powered background removal, text translations, and more...
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_215_5023)"> <path d="M28.9243 21.799C30.3595 22.6669 30.3599 23.9139 28.9174 24.779C27.506 25.6253 26.0316 26.4888 24.359 27.2918C22.6866 28.0949 20.8879 28.8025 19.125 29.4803C17.3233 30.1727 14.7256 30.1724 12.918 29.4836C11.1395 28.8056 9.32206 28.0989 7.64096 27.2918C5.95987 26.4847 4.48756 25.612 3.07563 24.7584C1.64052 23.8906 1.64007 22.6434 3.08261 21.7784M28.9243 14.794C30.3595 15.6618 30.3599 16.909 28.9174 17.7739C27.506 18.6203 26.0316 19.4838 24.359 20.2868C22.6866 21.0897 20.8879 21.7975 19.125 22.4751C17.3233 23.1678 14.7256 23.1675 12.918 22.4785C11.1395 21.8006 9.32206 21.0938 7.64096 20.2867C5.95987 19.4796 4.48756 18.6071 3.07563 17.7533C1.64052 16.8854 1.64007 15.6383 3.08261 14.7733M3.08261 7.22096C1.64007 8.08596 1.64052 9.33306 3.07563 10.2009C4.48756 11.0547 5.95987 11.9273 7.64096 12.7343C9.32206 13.5414 11.1395 14.2483 12.918 14.9261C14.7256 15.6151 17.3233 15.6153 19.125 14.9228C20.8879 14.2451 22.6866 13.5373 24.359 12.7344C26.0316 11.9315 27.506 11.0679 28.9174 10.2216C30.3599 9.35655 30.3595 8.10946 28.9243 7.24162C27.5125 6.3878 26.0401 5.51525 24.359 4.70818C22.6779 3.90109 20.8604 3.19425 19.082 2.5164C17.2743 1.82742 14.6767 1.8272 12.875 2.51975C11.112 3.19739 9.31335 3.90521 7.6409 4.70813C5.96843 5.51106 4.49408 6.3746 3.08261 7.22096Z" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_215_5023"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>


Mass-produce marketing creative assets by combining your designs with spreadsheet data.
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Turn designs into collaborative workspaces. Preview, comment, approve, and generate from one link.
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QR Code

Generate dynamic QR codes that update in real-time. Perfect for contactless menus, tickets, and more...
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_215_5016)"> <path d="M6.61101 24.1243C4.44053 23.8747 2.70197 22.1369 2.46125 19.9654M6.61101 24.1243C7.97841 24.2816 9.45308 24.4469 10.9293 24.5477M6.61101 24.1243C8.05866 24.2908 9.61932 24.4514 11.1768 24.5398M2.46125 19.9654C2.22196 17.8067 2 15.5805 2 13.305C2 11.0296 2.22196 8.80333 2.46125 6.64471C2.70197 4.47322 4.44053 2.7353 6.61101 2.48569C8.78042 2.2362 11.018 2 13.305 2C15.5921 2 17.8297 2.2362 19.9991 2.48569C22.1695 2.73531 23.9081 4.47322 24.1488 6.64471C24.2646 7.68849 24.3762 8.74809 24.4606 9.82141M2.46125 19.9654C2.35049 18.9662 2.24391 17.9525 2.16087 16.9262C3.95157 14.6514 6.05067 12.9048 8.19662 12.9048C10.5861 12.9048 12.9174 15.0703 14.8296 17.7191M24.4081 19.932L19.9333 24.4069M23.6575 27.4014C20.823 29.8985 18.1949 31.1288 15.7029 28.6368C13.2323 26.1662 14.4203 23.5618 16.8742 20.7553M20.684 16.9373C23.5183 14.4402 26.1465 13.2098 28.6386 15.7019C31.1091 18.1725 29.9211 20.7768 27.4674 23.5833M17.4698 12.3097C19.1834 12.3097 20.1473 11.3458 20.1473 9.63224C20.1473 7.91865 19.1834 6.95475 17.4698 6.95475C15.7562 6.95475 14.7923 7.91865 14.7923 9.63224C14.7923 11.3458 15.7562 12.3097 17.4698 12.3097Z" stroke="var(--page--dark)" stroke-width="3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </g> <defs> <clipPath id="clip0_215_5016"> <rect width="32" height="32" fill="white"/> </clipPath> </defs> </svg>

Dynamic image URLs

Create personalized visuals at scale with dynamic URLs. Customize content for each recipient using merge tags.

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Level up your review process

From approval flows to team permissions, discover best practices for smoother creative collaboration. Explore guides on setting up efficient review systems that keep projects moving.

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14 Best Tools to Manage an Agency

Find here the best agency management tools to streamline and optimize administrative and operational tasks and grow your agency tremendously!
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