How to generate multiple Linkedin ads formats using Abyssale?
How to generate multiple Linkedin ads formats using Abyssale?
First of all, let’s start with a quick round-up of why you should definitely try Linkedin Ads if it’s not already the case.
If you’re in the B2B landscape, this is THE place to be to reach your audience ! As of 2021, 4 out of 5 Linkedin users drove business decisions. This propelled Linkedin as the number #1 B2B lead generation rated by marketers.
In fact, 65% of B2B companies have tried LinkedIn paid ads to attract new customers. They also saw the platform is 277% more effective than Facebook in generating leads.
Are you feeling the FOMO coming yet? That’s normal.
Now if you’re wondering how to tackle your first Linkedin ad campaign, here is a quick guide of the different formats available. You'll also find their relevancy depending our your campaign’s objective.
However, here we will focus on how to leverage Abyssale’s powerful image rendering engine to quickly scale your production of Linkedin ads visual formats.
As a reminder, here are all the static Linkedin ads formats available :
Linked single image ads :
- 1200 x 628 pixels and should be at least 400x in width : 1,91:1 width to height ratio.
- JPG or PNG format.
- Your file should be 5MB or smaller
- Check out full specs for more detail
Linkedin carousel ads :
- 2 to 10 cards available per ad
- 1080 x 1080 pixels : 1:1 width to height ratio.
- JPG or PNG format.
- Each card file should be smaller than 10MB
- CTA Button outside of the visual
- Check out full specs for more detail
Linkedin message ads :
- Banner size (displayed on the right side of the inbox): 300×250 pixels. 1,2:1 width to height ratio
- JPG, non-animated GIF or PNG format.
- Your file should be 40KB or smaller
- See full specs for more detail
Linkedin text ads :
- Image size: 100x100 pixels. 1:1 width to height ratio
- JPG or PNG format
- Your file should be 2MB or smaller
- See full specs for more detail
Let’s say you’re just starting with Linkedin ads and want to try out the single image ad, the message ad, and the text ad across. You'll run 3 campaigns to compare the performance of each format. Plus, as you should always do, you want to A/B test 2 variations of each visual.
This amounts to the creation of 18 visuals… Boring task right? If only there was a way to trim down the amount of time spent on creating these visuals…
Don’t worry, Abyssale’s got you covered. In this article, I’m gonna guide you through every step necessary to automate your LinkedIn ads visuals production thanks to our proprietary solution.
#1 Create a dynamic ad Template in Abyssale
You can either choose from our 300+ templates or create your own inside our editor.
For the sake of this tutorial, we’ll use the Conference - Bubbly Template.
1: Select a template
Log in to your Abyssale account and go to your dashboard. Click on "Create New Template and then "Browse templates". A panel containing your templates and the Public templates appears on the left side of the screen. In the "event" category of the public templates, look for the template mentionned above.
2: Customizing your template
To follow this tutorial, you could simply keep everything as is. However, feel free to mess around a bit with the editor. You can for example manipulate the layout or change the background color.
Note : Every element in the template can be dynamically affected later (Images, text, color...). However, changing things like your company logo or any text now means you won’t need to generate the related data in the next steps.
3: Adding the different export formats to your template
Remember, in this tutorial we want to generate 3 different formats :
- 1200 x 628 (Single image ad)
- 300×250 pixels (Message ad banner)
- 100x100 (Text ad)
So we’ll make sure to add those formats to our template. To do so, simply click on the "add new format" button in the left column of the editor. You will then be asked to choose from a list of predefined formats or use your own custom ones.
The base format for this template is the Facebook feed format. To keep things tidy, we’ll simply add the predefined LinkedIn feed format to our template (1200x628) and rename it linkedin-single-image-ad. Once this format is added, you’ll be able to delete the Facebook feed format by clicking on the trashcan next to it in the formats list.
Then repeat this process by creating new custom formats (300x250 and 100x100) as those are not currently available in the predefined formats.
Every time you create a new format, Abyssale’s editor will automatically resize and rearrange every element. If you are not happy with the result or simply want to use different layouts for each format, you can now fine-tune your design.
For example, we’ll choose to only display the background image and the company logo in the text ad format. We simply have to mask some elements by clicking on the eye icon inside the layer manager. Those changes will only affect the format you made them in.
Once you’re all set. You can click the “save” button to lock your template and every format.
#2 Automatically generate your visuals
Now that your template is all set up, we can generate all the LinkedIn ads formats we need. To do so, simply click on the “generate banners” button. You will be sent to what we call a “Funnel”.
1: Type your operation name
It will be used to create the folder where all your banners will be saved
2: Select the formats you want to export in
In this tutorial, we will select all the formats created in Step #1/3
3: Select a data source
Create from scratch: This action will create an empty table and you'll have to input your content manually.
CSV import: Directly import your content from a CSV file. You could use a Google sheet document that includes all the necessary data to fill your template. (Text, image colors, etc...) . More information can be found HERE.
Airtable: Connect your Airtable base and import data directly from it.
4: Prepare all your data
For the sake of this tutorial, we’ll use the “create from scratch” method but feel free to explore all the other options. Most notably, you can check out our Zapier integration to see how Abyssale could fit into your current stack of tools.
For our needs, I created 6 rows (2 for each of our campaigns) then updated the colors, various texts, and the image.
Quick tip : In the text section, use \n to insert a line break.
When you’re done, you can click the "save and close" button. Next, you can click on "save and start generating" to export all your visuals.
This action will use 18 API calls (6 rows, 3 formats per row)
#3 Voilà ! Your banners are ready ! 🎉
Here are the results of your banner rendering!
If you realize you’ve made a mistake, don’t worry! You can always click the "edit" button to go back and change some data you may have gotten wrong 😉
Now you just have to download your visuals and you’re ready to set up your LinkedIn ads campaign ! 🚀
As always, if you have any questions or feedback please let us know!
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