Recommended formats and sizes for Facebook Ads in 2023

You want to launch an advertising campaign with Facebook Ads, but you don't know which format is best for it? Even an expert won't be able to give you an exact answer. It must be said that things evolve very quickly and what worked yesterday is already out of date.

Before we get to the heart of the matter, let's start by breaking down a common misconception: THE Facebook Ads format adapted to all advertising strategies does not exist. Sorry to disappoint you, but publishing content on the fly is not enough to generate leads.

Now that we're dealing with a savvy reader, let's get to the heart of the matter.

Formats, sizes & uses: what you need to know to get started with Facebook Ads

You'll find valuable information to improve the effectiveness of your campaigns in our article: our best tips for Facebook Ads.

Here, we will focus on the format and size of Facebook Ads campaigns to be used in 2023.

The dimensions used by Facebook Ads are very standardized. Whether it's a photo or video medium, there are only 2 different models:

  • The square format (1:1) must respect the dimensions 1080x1080 (or 1200x1200) pixels
  • The vertical format (story - 4:5) must respect the dimensions 1080x1920 pixels

When you know that 79% of users use their cell phones to consult Facebook, you can quickly understand the importance of offering content for these devices. For this reason, the vertical format is more popular than the square format.

Regardless of the dimensions, Abyssale will allow you to generate your visuals for your advertising campaigns in a flash.

Well placed Facebook Ads according to your strategy

If there is one point more important than the format for a Facebook Ads campaign, it is indeed its placement. Especially since it determines the space you have available. It is therefore essential to take this into account before choosing the format.

Here are the different locations available on Facebook Ads:

  • The News Feed: Ads in this location allow for consistent descriptions on the desktop version. The mobile version requires to be more succinct. They are ideal for generating new qualified leads.
Facebook ads news feed
News Feed on Desktop
  • The right column on the desktop version: Although the ads in this location are cheaper, the text and images are also smaller. It's best to use it for retargeting with images that your target audience knows.
facebook ads right column
Right column ads on Desktop
  • The marketplace: You are dealing with an audience that is open to receiving offers. Don't miss the opportunity to present yours.
facebook ads marketplace format
  • Videos: Much to the chagrin of Facebook users, ads have been interspersed with long videos for some time. If your offer lends itself to a video ad and your budget allows it, this is a very effective option since the user is forced to go to the end of your campaign. Be careful though, these videos are perceived as intrusive by some users.
video format facebook ads
  • Stories: You can publish up to 2 minutes of video in vertical format. With 500 million users per day, this is a format to explore if you want to attract the attention of a large audience.
story formay

Adapting your Facebook Ads format to your strategy

Not all formats are adapted to your Facebook Ads strategy. Depending on your offer and your objective, you need to guide your choice. It is important to make a decision before designing any visual or ad.

You have eight main formats and several variations.

The image format to redirect to a single site or product

If you want to highlight a particular product, without spending too much time or money. Then the image format of Facebook Ads is perfectly suitable.

Besides, you don't need to promote a specific product. Sometimes, image format advertising allows you to stay in the minds of your customers by redirecting prospects to your website.

With an attractive headline, a punchy description, and a visual created with the help of Abyssale, the results might just surprise you.

Show your product in action with Facebook Ads' video format

We're not going to lie, video is the most attractive format for a Facebook Ads campaign and rightly so. It allows the prospect to understand the benefits of a solution in a few seconds.

Add to that a little background music that stimulates emotions, subtitles if needed and you will hit the bullseye every time.

If your solution lends itself to this and you have the time and budget for it, this is clearly the format to choose. Especially since with the vertical format, you can immerse your audience in the heart of your audiovisual sequence.

Use the carousel format to present different products or tell a story

When targeting for a new Facebook Ads campaign, you may need to showcase different products.

In this case, carousel format, allows you to showcase up to 10 independent images or videos in a single post. It's an economical and efficient way to present an entire catalog to your target audience. Moreover, you can redirect the link of each image or video to different URLs.

If you have a creative mind and are not selling a physical product, you can also use the carousel format to tell a story to your audience.

Trust the collection format for the release of a new collection

There is no big difference between the carousel format and the collection format of Facebook Ads. Other than the latter being mobile-only and featuring a large home image to illustrate your collection, nothing really differs.

It is surely more suitable for promoting a new collection of your brand.

As you could see, Facebook Ads formats are as different as the advertising strategies. Some require you to multiply visual creations or duplicate them in different dimensions. Abyssale allows you to save time with an automation system in the visual generation. You'll find all the predefined standardized formats to create your own ad templates! 🥊

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